devart web specialists based in Christchurch

Web geniuses.
Good people.

We partner with businesses to solve their problems with smart and easy-to-use web solutions.

Contact us to hear our story!

This is us

…in the heart of Christchurch, a team of skilled developers are hard at work building the digital future. Their expertise ranges from web development with Laravel and SilverStripe to crafting mobile web applications. They are dedicated to helping businesses thrive online and are proud to call New Zealand their home. With each new project, they push themselves to deliver innovative solutions that exceed their clients' expectations. Together, they are making their mark on the digital landscape and paving the way for a brighter tomorrow...

  • Aaron Ball

    I am the founder of devart. With nearly two decades of multi...

  • Mandy Hale

    Hi, I’m Mandy - a developer with a marketing and communicati...

  • Jerry Wang

    Hi there, I'm Jerry, a full stack developer who particularly...

  • Juliana Guimaraes

    Hi, I'm a fullstack developer at devart. I enjoy challenges ...

devart empowering others

Empowering others:
The heart of our why

We're not just in it for the paycheck, we want to leave a lasting impact on our clients and our team. By investing in our team and creating a platform for growth, we're fostering talent, creativity, and empathy. Our mission? To help our people thrive in their careers and make a positive mark on the industry. After all, happy people make for happy work!

So, if you're looking to work with a team that values growth, creativity and making a difference, look no further. Let’s work together!

What we do

With everything we do at devart, our end goal is always the same; to make a meaningful difference to your business and customers with awesome web-based solutions.

devart nz how we work

How we work

We work as an extension of your business, working to bring your online vision to life using open source and modern technologies. We want your experience working with us to be easy-breezy, agile, goal-smashing and most importantly, FUN.


Oak Tree

Case study

Oak Tree ProDevan

The story of how Oak Tree leveraged technology for business and social impact.


Case study

Accessibel and Hawaiki Hou Pilot Project

Empowering outdoor exploration in Aotearoa through human-led and innovative solutions.

or Caffeinate?

Send us a message and let’s chat!

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